Friday, February 27, 2009


My classmates and I have had to give presentations over the last two weeks.  Out of all the presentations I saw, I enjoyed David Gordon's the best.  I thought he was very creative with the topic of The Best Active Athlete.  David made his presentation very humorous and thought of how his audience would react.  For me the best part of his presentation were the reasons why he named each athlete the winner in the tournament.  I learned that Usaine Bolt was the fastest runner.

I also thoroughly enjoyed Joe Broerman's Cincinnati's Skyline Chili.  Joe gave some background info on its origination.  The thing I enjoyed most about Joe's presentation was him actually bringing the chili for us to taste after having presented about it.  Anytime someone talks about food, I usually get what better way to full-fill that appetite.  I learned that Cincinnati is famous for this chili.  I also thought the imagery that Joe showed of an old man enjoying his three-way and having a bib on at an old time restaurant was hysterical.

And last but not least, Ryan Cromer's presentation on Racquetball was informative.  I guess it caught my attention because I use to play racquetball some.  The way he described the sport about a little rubber ball flying through the room between two to four people was pretty funny.  Some of the imagery grossed me out about how people have been hurt in the sport, such as a bloody eye from being hit by the ball and not wearing goggles.   I guess with his presentation I was able to connect really well since I've played the sport for some amount of time.

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