Monday, March 23, 2009

Miscommunication in the Work Setting

Over the past 3 summers and 2 winters I have worked as an intern for an architecture firm in Augusta, GA.  Information can be miscommunicated all the time.  Many of the times information was just not specific enough during meetings.  One of my bosses would tell me or another employee to perform certain duties, but they would not say specifics about what they wanted.  In architecture, specifications can sometimes dominate a project, thus the importance.  Miscommunication can be prevented by being specific, documenting as much as possible whether by taking pictures, writing the facts down, or taking measurements.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One More Presentation & Past Experiences with Portfolios

I enjoyed Tyler Cooney's presentation on Prague the most this week.  Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, so it's not hard to persuade me into liking a presentation about European cities.  I also think Tyler's experiences have been similar to mine while traveling abroad to certain European cities, hence the reasoning behind the choosing.  I thought the pictures and description of the city were great and would really enjoy visiting the city when I get the chance.

I have never really done an online portfolio before.  However, last semester I took a portfolio class where we had to design two portfolio's, one more of an academic type look to it and another tailored more towards the professional realm.  I had some bad experiences with the professor because she was a bit harsh and gave rash advice when it came to the design.  I thoroughly enjoyed the designing of the portfolio.  I used the Adobe Indesign to design the portfolio, I found this program made it extremely easy to navigate through each spread and make easy adjustments to text and imagery.  I think I will be ready for the draft on the 23rd, after our professor explains how to load the online version.